

編號 Journal 期刊 作者 論文研究
1 J. Ginseng Res, 34(2), 122-131 (2010) 함기백 韓國高麗蔘補充對幽門螺桿菌根除治療後根除率和胃揮發性硫化合物水平的影響
Efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng Supplementation on Eradication Rate and Gastric Volatile Sulfur Compound Levels after Helicobacter pylori Eradication Therapy
2 J. Ginseng Res, 34( 2), 77-88 (2010) 함기백 韓國高麗蔘:幽門螺桿菌感染的定性和定量益處
Korean Red Ginseng: Qualitative and Quantitative Benefits on Helicobacter pylori Infection